NameIntervest Offices & Warehouses
StatusPublic regulated real estate company under Belgian law
Legal formLimited liability company
Registered officeUitbreidingstraat 66, 2600 Berchem – Antwerp, Belgium
Tel+32 3 287 67 67
Register of legal personsRLP Antwerp
VATBE 0458.623.918
Date of incorporation8 August 1996
DurationUnlimited duration
Financial year1 January - 31 December
Stock exchange listingEuronext Brussels
Statutory auditorDeloitte Bedrijfsrevisoren, represented by Rik Neckebroeck
Property expertsCushman & Wakefield, CBRE
Liquidity provider Bank Degroof Petercam and KBC Securities
Financial serviceING Bank
SupervisionFSMA (Financial Services and Markets Authority)