Optional Dividend

Each year, the Intervest supervisory board has the option of deciding that the dividend for the financial year is paid as an optional dividend.

For an optional dividend, shareholders have the option of contributing the claim arising from the decision to distribute profit to the capital of Intervest, in return for the issue of new shares. This is in addition to the option of receiving the dividend in cash or a choice to combine the previous two options. The dividend claim linked to a specific number of existing shares, leads to entitlement to one new share, at an issue price per share, whether or not this includes a discount with regard to the price on the stock exchange.

As a result of the optional dividend, Intervest publishes a Memorandum of information on the website (subject to customary restrictions), applying article 1.4 (h) of the Pospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of 14 June 2017. This offers information about the number and nature of the new shares and the reasons for and provisions applicable to this optional dividend.


More information:

  • Dematerialised shares: financial institution of choice or ING Belgium +32 2 547 31 40 or by email marc.sanders@ing.be
  • Registered shares and general information: Intervest Offices & Warehouses +32 3 287 67 87 or by email to investorrelations@intervest.eu