Eindhoven - Silver Forum, Flight Forum 1800-1950 5657 EZ Eindhoven, Netherlands

The SilverForum distribution centre, has an important position on the strategically located and multi-modal easily accessible Flight Forum business park, on the site of Eindhoven Airport close to the Eindhoven city centre.

The building has a strikingly organic shape with a silver-coloured curved finish to the façade. Since 2002, the entire distribution centre has been leased to the listed high-tech company ASML, global leader in the manufacture of machines for semiconductors. ASML has equipped the site with clean rooms.

In 2019 Intervest realises the Gold Forum logistics project development equally situated at the Flight Forum business park. The building with a striking organic shape and a gold-coloured curved façade finish, will form a single entity architecturally and functionally with the Silver Forum business premises, resulting in a total logistics complex of almost 50.000 m².

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Eindhoven - Silver Forum
Eindhoven - Silver Forum
Eindhoven - Silver Forum
Eindhoven - Silver Forum


The project location